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Cancelling and Refunding an Order
Cancelling and Refunding an Order

Learn how to cancel and Refund a customer order

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Written by AmmoBot
Updated over 2 weeks ago

In some cases you may need to cancel and refund a customer order. AmmoReady allows you to do all of this from within your dashboard, without having to contact your merchant services provider directly.

You also have the ability to partially refund an order.

From your Dashboard, go to Sales > Orders.

On the next page, click on the order you wish to cancel and refund.

*Note: If you have already created any Fulfillments for the order those will need to be deleted. To do that, click on the fulfillment number to view the fulfillment information.

On the next page, click the Delete Fulfillment button:

Once all Fulfillments have been deleted, navigate back one page to the order information.

In the top right corner, click the Refund button.

A new window will pop up titled Refund this Order. Here you can fill out the form by specifying the Refund amount, choosing to Cancel the order, and selecting a Reason for refunding/canceling.

*Note: To partially refund an order without fully cancelling, enter in the partial refund amount and un-select the Cancel checkbox.

Finally, click Submit. This will send a request to your Payment Processor to cancel and/or refund the charge.

IMPORTANT: This does not cancel the order with your distributor if you have already submitted it to them. You will need to contact your rep and ask them to cancel it.

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