During the AmmoReady Onboarding process you will need to provide access to your domain host/registrar which will allow our team to make the necessary DNS changes that will point your domain to your new AmmoReady storefront.
In this article we go over a few popular domain hosts/registrars and the instructions on how to delegate access to your account.
Before we begin, make sure to enter your custom domain on the Settings tab in your AmmoReady dashboard:
*Note: Please email onboarding@ammoready.com once you delegate access or if you have any questions about delegation.
*Note: If your domain host/registrar is not listed in this article please email onboarding@ammoready.com for additional assistance.
Delegate access to onboarding@ammoready.com by following these instructions: https://www.godaddy.com/help/invite-a-delegate-to-access-my-godaddy-account-12376
Add onboarding@ammoready.com as a user by following these instructions: https://www.namecheap.com/support/knowledgebase/article.aspx/192/46/how-do-i-share-access-to-my-domain-with-other-users/
Network Solutions
Add onboarding@ammoready.com as a user by following these instructions: https://customerservice.networksolutions.com/prweb/PRAuth/webkm/help/article/KC-347/networksolutions
Google Domains
If you have a domain hosted with Google Domains it has most likely been transferred to Squarespace. Please see our Squarespace instructions.
Invite onboarding@ammoready.com as a contributor to your account with Admin access by following these instructions: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/206537287-Inviting-a-contributor
Invite onboarding@ammoready.com to collaborate on your site (account) with Admin access by following these instructions: https://support.wix.com/en/article/inviting-people-to-contribute-to-your-site
Add onboarding@ammoready.com as a user to your account with Admin access by following these instructions: https://wordpress.com/support/invite-people/
Share access with onboarding@ammoready.com to your account by following these instructions: https://support.hostinger.com/en/articles/1583777-how-to-share-access-to-your-account
Add onboarding@ammoready.com as a user to your account with System Admin privileges enabled by following these instructions: https://support.bigcommerce.com/s/article/Users?language=en_US
Add onboarding@ammoready.com as a user to your account with Tech Contact permissions by following these instructions: https://www.bluehost.com/help/article/am-users-roles
Add onboarding@ammoready.com as a user to your account with Tech Contact permissions by following these instructions: https://www.domain.com/help/article/user-roles-in-new-account-manager
Add onboarding@ammoready.com as a user to your account with Tech Contact permissions by following these instructions: https://www.hostgator.com/help/article/customer-portal-user-roles-permissions
Add onboarding@ammoready.com as a member to your account with the role of DNS: https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/setup/manage-members/manage/
Grant access to ammoready (username) as an authorized user to your account by following these instructions: https://kb.porkbun.com/article/220-how-to-grant-access-to-another-porkbun-user-as-an-authorized-account