The AmmoReady platform makes it easy to customize your individual storefront's pages using the content Widgets available. You can find the Widgets by navigating from your Dashboard to Website > Pages in the left sidebar and selecting a Page. There are currently 6 Widgets to choose from:
Content Area
A Content Area will allow you to enter text, drag/drop images, as well as insert HTML into your page.
Toggle the Content Area on by clicking the Off/On button. Next, click the arrow dropdown to view the available options.
As you can see, there are multiple formatting options for your text. Additionally, if you know how to manipulate HTML, click on the code editor "<>" to open up the HTML code.
A Collection will allow you to display product tiles on your pages. See how to Create a Collection.
Toggle the Collection on by clicking the Off/On button. Next, click the arrow dropdown to view the available options.
You have the option of selecting custom made collections of products, or the default AmmoReady Smart Collections (if you're streaming distributor inventory).
Below is an example Collection of product tiles:
A Slideshow widget will allow you to add one or multiple images to your website. You can also link the images to specific pages on your website, or link outside of your website.
*Multiple Images: If you are adding multiple images to one Slideshow widget, it is highly recommended that all images are the same size/dimensions in order to preserve a cohesive look to your storefront.
*Recommended Dimensions: You may use any size image you wish, however, for website banners we recommend 1920px by 480px. Please see Add an image banner using the Slideshow widget for more information.
Featured Categories
You can feature up to 6 categories using the Featured Categories widget. It will display as a row on your storefront page.
To change which categories are featured, go to Settings in the top right corner.
Click on the Categories tab. You will see which categories are featured by the blue highlighted Featured text next to their name. Select the gear icon and click Edit.
You can select/de-select the Featured category, as well as, add/delete an image for the category. Click Save when you're finished.
Contact Form
The Contact Form adds a simple, user friendly contact submission form to your storefront page. This form is connected to your Store email address.
Contact Info
The Contact Info adds any applicable contact information that you have previously entered on the Store tab under Contact Information to your storefront page.