The add-on is available in the add-on marketplace, which is accessible via the Add-Ons link in your sidebar.
You'll need the following credentials:
Account Number: this will be found under Settings > Account in FastBound.
Account Email: the email address that your FastBound account was created with.
API Key: this will be found under Settings > Account in FastBound.
Click the Edit Add-On Configuration button to access your config settings. From here you can choose which FastBound acquisition types you'd like to sync from FastBound.
Creating/Linking Inventory
Click on the FastBound link in your sidebar. This is where you'll manage your FastBound items and any associations they have with your inventory.
The Unlinked tab will show you any FastBound items that have been synced from your FastBound account but are not yet linked to inventory in your AmmoReady account.
Click the dropdown on any given row to access the following options:
View in FastBound: like it sounds, this will simply take you to the given item in your FastBound account to help with cross-referencing.
Create New Inventory: this will create a brand new product (using any available data from FastBound to pre-populate relevant fields) in your AmmoReady inventory.
Add/Link to Inventory: if there is a matching UPC already in your AmmoReady inventory (or available from one of your connected distributors), you can simply add/link the FastBound item. This will automatically increment your inventory quantities.
Alternatively, you can click the Show Batch Actions link to reveal options for linking multiple FastBound items at once.
If you are fulfilling an order item that is associated with a FastBound item, you will be prompted on the fulfillment screen to select the FastBound item(s) of which you are disposing. This will automatically create the necessary disposition record(s) in FastBound when the fulfillment is submitted.