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Point of Sale Integration Guide

Explains the basic workflow for integrating a point-of-sale system with via the API

AmmoBot avatar
Written by AmmoBot
Updated over a week ago

This guide provides a high-level overview of the recommended workflow for integrating a point-of-sale system with AmmoReady. It assumes a new/pristine POS environment and that one or more distributors are connnected to the target AmmoReady account.

Basic Flow

  1. Use the API to pre-load Brands, Calibers, Categories, and Actions into the POS system. Using AmmoReady's default values for these attributes avoids data-mapping problems (Cobra Tec = CobraTec) as both systems are in sync out of the gate.

  2. You can create new Categories via the API as needed when/if they are created in the POS system.

  3. Brands, Calibers, and Actions don't change often. There are no endpoints for creating new Brands or Calibers at this time. Dealer-specific Brands can be created through the web interface and then accessed via the API.

  4. Sync in-stock Inventory to AmmoReady so that the website is always displaying what is physically in-stock.

    There are two basic ways to sync in-stock inventory:

    a) Use the inventory#create method to create new items. This approach requires that you pass ALL required data needed to display the item on a web page, which you may not have in the POS system.

    b) Use the catalog#add_to_inventory method to simply copy an item from the Catalog (connected distributors) to Inventory. This method only requires a UPC, which is typically scanned or entered by the POS user.

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