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Product Variants

How to add options to Inventory Products. Perfect for apparel, gift cards, training classes, and custom products like kydex holsters.

AmmoBot avatar
Written by AmmoBot
Updated over 10 months ago

Product Variants allow you to add custom options to Inventory Products. 

For example, adding Size and Color to a shirt:

How to Create Product Variants

1. From the Dashboard, select the Inventory tab:

2. Select the item you would like to create variations for:

3. Click the "Variants" button on any Inventory Product:

2. Click the "Add New Variant" button:

3.  Give the variant a name and add one or more options. You can add an optional surcharge to each option:

4. Click the "Save Variant" button

5. Add additional variants as needed

6. By default, the system does not track variant availability, but you can turn it on by checking the "Track Variant Availability?" checkbox. This is useful for in-stock items with just one or two variants, like t-shirts that come in multiple sizes and colors.

7. You can assign SKUs and track Qty for each combination of variants. If there are surcharges assigned to more than one option in any variant combination, the system will calculate the total surcharge to be applied at checkout:

PRO TIP: When adding lots of variants to create a "builder" for custom products, like holsters or firearms, you can (and should) leave availability tracking off, in which case your listing will always show as in-stock.

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